Sunday, February 6, 2011

Copy cell formatting in spreadsheet programs

Numerous configuration options, from the font and color of the border cells to the orientation of the content is available in spreadsheet programs. If it turns out during the processing of a worksheet that already set formatting is needed in several places, this practical tool is the Format Painter to the game. In Excel 2007 version of the program is to find the Start menu, and it is characterized by a wide brush. A similar symbol represents the function in the program, Calc, which is found in the free Open Office software packages and office libre.

To use this feature, you must set up cell, is to copy the formatting to be marked with the cursor. Then the user must click on the paintbrush icon. Thus, the format settings are copied to the clipboard. On the one cell that is clicked with the mouse then, transferred all the formatting of the first cell. Holding down the mouse button the function can be applied to multiple cells. Only when the mouse button is released by the copying process takes no more. This copying is also possible not only within a worksheet. You might want to enable the function of the change in the lower pane to another worksheet and transfer the formatting in cells lying in it.


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