Sunday, February 6, 2011

Zsa Zsa Gabor celebrates 94th Birthday twice the same

Her husband, Prince Frederic von Anhalt (67) told the news agency dpa that bring ten doctors and 15 nurses at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles of his wife in the morning (local time) wanted a happy birthday. After the time clock for 11 (20 clock GMT) planned discharge from hospital, it should then go home.

Some of the closest friends would have the birthday party at home logged on to her villa in the prestigious Bel Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, said von Anhalt on Saturday evening (local time). Some guests want to come before the Super Bowl, some of it. The Super Bowl - the final of the professional league American Football NFL - is the biggest sporting event in the USA. It falls this year on the anniversary of the Hungarian-born actress.

Zsa Zsa Gabor was in the middle of the week was due to a fatal infection readmitted to the hospital. She had high fever, vomiting blood and no longer recognize their environment, "said von Anhalt. Treatment with three strong antibiotics to beat but to happiness. "Now they are perfectly healthy", said the almost three decades younger native German. "The doctors can hardly believe it." Even with the amputation, they get along well.

By concern for his wife had by reference in the last week spent several days in the hospital itself. He was on a visit to University Hospital, as it was from stress, collapsed in the elevator and then taken up as a patient was, but had separated from his Zsa Zsa lie.

In January, doctors had amputated due to a severe infection Gabor's right leg above the knee. A week later, the elderly patient was returned to her property, but had to because of pneumonia and an infection at the surgical scar soon return to the clinic. Gabor suffered a stroke in 2005, broke six months ago when falling out of bed in a hip joint.

Because of high hospital costs of Anhalt will now sell the property in the hills of Bel-Air. He offers a price of $ 28 million (20.6 million euros) to purchase, but on condition that his wife can still live up to their end of life there. During a tour of U.S. journalists about two weeks ago, the prince said, according to the Los Angeles Times, that would have been reported from several interested parties including Russia and China.

Zsa Zsa Gabor and von Anhalt, were married in 1986 and spent their honeymoon in Munich.


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